814-865-7488 sustainability@psu.edu
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Mind Over Matter (2024-2025)

Mind Over Matter — What do you think of when you think of mindfulness–mental health, meditation, navel-gazing? In this chaotic and frequently overwhelming age, mindfulness turns out to be important, not only for individuals but also for society, too. Being mindful helps us to slow down, focus on what matters to us, and reconnect to all that we value–both in the human- and non-human environment. Come join us in 2024-25 for stories of people becoming resilient because they mindfully focus on their values, their place, their community, and their planet. Additional details and links still coming for our four spring semester films.

Movie poster of Chinese youth holding fingers in "victory" sign while holding umbrella
Newtok movie poster
Movie poster of Chinese youth holding fingers in "victory" sign while holding umbrella
An Injury to One movie poster
Fire Through Dry Grass movie poster
Rock climber smoking a hookah pipe while hanging from a cliff
A woman lies on the ground looking up into the trees